Thursday, January 21, 2010

HNT: Waiting for sir in my collar

January's practically over but only now am I beginning to feel like my life went from chaotic to normal again. Between buying/wrapping presents for loved ones in crowded malls to trudging to numerous drunken holiday parties in the cold, I've finally settled back into a normal pace again. Normally I wouldn't mind the two activities mentioned above if not for the crowdedness and the cold. *I'm not really a huge fan of winter. It seems that I'm a tropical person by nature. Grrr...Why can't it be spring already? That way, sir will be home and we can continue to do naughty things in public places in the WARM sunlight. The hardest thing about this winter in particular was seeing sir go. But since he's left, we are definitely more adjusted to our situation and despite or distance are still as in love than ever.

For now, I've been busy working on my design website and seeing friends off. It seems that NY, sadly cannot be for everyone with the way that the ecomony's going. Design can be a cruel mistress. Ah well. I don't want this post to get any more depressing than it needs to be so that's all I'm going to say about the matter.