Your hands roaming down my body; one hand squeezing my breasts, another pressed on my hipbone. I'm still half asleep at this point but I'm starting to wake up when I can feel you brush against my thigh, getting hard. I run one finger lightly over your length, not quite touching the tip. I repeat this and with my other hand, start massaging your balls. I hear you groan and you slide your hand into my moist panties. Your fingers rub my clit gently first, and then you squeeze. I gasp and dig my nails into your shoulders. You keep rubbing... I'm getting wetter by the second. With one hand, I slip my panties off, grab your dick and slip it teasingly into my wet cunt. I rock my hips back and forth, sliding, teasing you, not quite granting you entrance. You grab me by my shoulders, look me in the eyes and smirk as you plunge inside of me. Breathing hard, you thrust deeper and deeper inside of me. I bite my lip to stop from crying out. I close my eyes and I can feel you wrap your hands around my throat. I claw at your back, my toes curl and I start to feel lightheaded. I'm struggling and you release me just in time. As you always know. I rock my hips faster, and dig my nails deeper into your back. Your back is covered with red marks... You hiss because I can't stop scratching. You throw my legs over your shoulders and grab my hands and hold them above my head. You continue thrusting faster and faster until finally we come together. Recomposing ourselves, you look at me and say: "Next time, I'm just tying you to the bedposts."
I think someone is going to have to start sleeping in their restraints when I get home, pet. :)