I know that I'm supposed to post kinky things, and things that turn me and Sir on. But today, I'm just feeling a little depressed about it, and not in a very kinky mood. I'm sure tomorrow, I'll be ok and remember that this is just temporary; and that mine and Sir's relationship is definitely something worth waiting for/hanging on to. I am Sir's pet, but I'm also a woman and sometimes I tend to get a little mushy. And I hope that's ok too because when you love someone, I should be able to be as weird/embarrassing as I want and he still has to love me. Today, I just want to post about this. There's always tomorrow...
You know (cause I've told you) there are quite a few of those days where I get down about not being there and just being able to fall asleep with you. Soon enough though I'll be home for good and we'll never have to do this again. So yes, posts like this are totally acceptable, because you're not just my pet, you're the woman I love.